During the Executive Board Of Director’s (EBOD’s) meeting held October 29, 2020 the feasibility of conducting our November Board Of Director’s meeting was discussed and a strategy on how the clubhouse could be arranged to accommodate the meeting and still stay in compliance with the current state and local COVID-19 restrictions was developed. At that time, we were encouraged that a meeting could be conducted and that we could resume doing normal Board business. However, with the latest increase in COVID cases, state and county wide, convening as a full Board Of Director’s meeting once again is not prudent. Therefore, the meeting scheduled for Thursday, November 12, 2020 is cancelled.
When the COVID Pandemic broke during March 2020, we held our scheduled BOD’s meeting on March 12, 2020. During that meeting the uncertainty of what COVID restrictions were going to require the Board to do and the likelihood of conducting future BOD’s meetings was discussed. It was concluded and agreed upon by all Directors that future BOD’s meetings would be determined by the EBODs prior to each scheduled BOD’s meeting date, if COVID-19 limitations and restrictions would allow meeting. Since then and over the last eight months, BOD’s meetings have been cancelled due to indoor meeting group size limitations. However, as agreed upon during the March BOD’s meeting (Minutes attached below), the EBODs have been conducting business through email correspondence when practical and EBOD’s meetings. Minutes of the October 29, 2020 EBOD’s meeting are also attached below.
Finally, we have to address the difficulty of holding the Annual Membership Meeting and Election of Board members and Officers in December. The Board and the EBOD’s have a fiduciary obligation to act in the best interest of the Club and its members, and that includes the health and safety of everyone. Without belaboring the Governor’s orders and our own COVID policy, having a membership meeting and election is impossible in the current pandemic environment. However, the Board and EBODs must continue to function so the Club can continue to operate and its members enjoy our facility. Accordingly, after much discussion and careful consideration of the issues facing us, the EBODs have unanimously voted to cancel the Annual Meeting and the Election, and to extend the term of all Directors, Officers, and EBOD Officers for an additional year. We will return to the normal Annual Meeting and Election process in December of 2021. Should any Board Member not wish to remain on the Board for another year for any reason whatsoever, regardless of their designated term, their resignation will be respectfully accepted without question. The EBODs did not come to this decision lightly, but of necessity.
Dave Zehrbach
President, WCFW